


Artwork commissioned by «Colleague»

Female skipper, confident, riding out the storm. Orange t-shirt, blue waves, green clouds and lightning. Illustration

Colleague (Kollega) is a Swedish magazine for employees and bosses. In this issue my assignment

was to produce an artwork that illustrates conflict and bravery at work and how together, with the right tools, you can ride out the storm.

illustration picturing conflicts at work. Green clouds, lightning, violet background, stoplights, 2 people handshaking and the boss in the middle.
Female skipper, confident, riding out the storm. Orange t-shirt, blue waves, green clouds and lightning. Illustration in motion.

In this other issue the visual assignment was to produce an artwork that illustrates loneliness and its consequences.

A woman in blue feeling lonely at work. Black silhouette in a mirror. Window with a curtain blowing. Buildings in the background. Colors are black, brown, blue, green and pink.
illustration showing loneliness at work. Colors in pink, brown and green. Man in a bubble.